I’m a bit behind as we have now moved on to the living room, but I had to stop and share this one:
Busily stripping the upstairs hall of its garish yellow, most of the walls only revealed a 3 or 4 layers of paper and paint, however the back upstairs wall had somehow never been stripped back completely and I found this gorgeous, (almost certainly) first wallpaper our house ever had:

Absolutely impossible (unless you’re a specialist I’m sure) to remove a piece without damaging it, I had to be content with the handful I spent some time revealing – just to photograph. The picture above shows the pattern which seemed to alternate between an enclosed stylised flower and and a large rose image.
While our mission is to lighten and brighten our 3 hallways (and believe it or not, yellow is NOT the way to do this!), originally our walls were covered in the dark oppressively patterned wallpaper, lit by gas wall lights, and the carpeted floors were a laquered dark stain. It must have been very dark in here, just like the Victorians liked it!