I fell in love recently, but my husband knows all about it (when it comes to any sort of antiques, he really is “long-suffering”!)
Visiting a high quality charity shop in Uckfield (St Peters and St James Hospice Shop) that specialises in furniture, my eyes connected with an oak 1930s sideboard, which I later discovered may have begun life as a drinks cabinet. I know it’s probably not everybody’s “cup of tea” (or “dry martini” or “whisky sour” either) but as soon as I saw it, it was destined for the dining room at “Fairlea”. It wouldn’t look right in any modern house, but its definitely found its place here, right down to the fact that the wooden cutlery canteen which we inherited from Rik’s gran looks like it was “made to live” on top of it!

Considering the cabinet is probably around 80 years old, there’s not a scratch on it, and it’s got a lovely metal bottle holder in the right hand side:
